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+19.4% Returns AND Better Health? How I Unlocked one of My Best Trading Months

health is wealth healthy trader options trading Mar 31, 2024
How I unlocked one of my best options trading month

Have you ever had one of those months where everything just seems to click? The market aligns with your analysis, your strategies pay off, and the numbers on your trading screen make you do a double-take? Well, March was that month for me. I achieved an incredible +19.4% return – far exceeding my usual 3% monthly target – and the wins didn't stop there.

This was the same month I embarked on a major health transformation. I shifted to a plant-based diet, committed to intense daily walks, revamped my entire fitness routine, and the impact has been nothing short of extraordinary.  At first glance, disciplined trading and radical wellness might seem unrelated. But let me tell you, the parallels are profound, and I believe they are the key to why this has been my most successful month in every sense of the word.

Let's break this down, starting with the trading side of the equation.


Trading Triumphs: The Strategy & The Discipline

This month, I was an options buyer through and through. The power to participate in significant market moves with calculated risk is what keeps me passionate about this business. This month, my focus remained on the core strategies taught in OptionPundit's Options Success Formula (OSF) program. Vertical spreads allowed me to target those high-priced stocks that would otherwise be out of reach. And it wasn't just about buying options, I leaned into other tactics like:

  • Swing & Momentum Trading: Identifying trends with staying power and riding them with carefully timed entries and exits. A strategy that is taught in the OSF program.
  • Earnings Plays: Strategizing around potential volatility surrounding company announcements. I teach this concept in our free masterclasses.
  • Intraday Momentum: Capitalizing on short-term market bursts, always with defined risk parameters. This a powerful intraday set-up we use daily in our OSF program.
  • Support & Resistance: Using these key chart levels to inform my trade decisions.

(Above screenshot is from TD Ameritrade monthly statement. FYI, you need to be an accredited investor to have an account with TD Singapore. It will soon be called Schwab as TD is acquired by Charles Schwab)

Of course, strategy alone isn't enough. Success in options trading demands risk management and the ability to scale when the setup is right. My March results are a testament to the fact that when all these elements align, the potential is thrilling.


The Wellness Revolution: A Parallel Journey

Now, here's where things get really interesting. As I was pushing my trading boundaries, I simultaneously committed to a level of health and fitness I'd never prioritized before. I attended a health & wellness retreat in Bali lead my mentor Mr. Lalit Kapoor. This meant:

  • Plant-Based Power: Embracing whole foods, ditching processed junk, and experiencing a surge in natural energy.
  • Walking Warrior: My goal was 10K steps a day. I consistently smashed that, often clocking over 15K, totaling more than 250KM for the month.
  • Cardio Climb: My cardio fitness score improved by a staggering 11%! Even tasks like climbing 15 floors, which used to leave me breathless, became manageable.
  • Intermittent Fasting: An added tool to regulate my eating patterns and improve overall metabolic health.

Let me be clear: this was not easy. It required a level of dedication I sometimes doubted I had. But the rewards have been astounding –  renewed focus, boundless energy, and a sense of mental clarity that's been transformative for all aspects of my life.


The Mind-Body-Market Connection

As I immersed myself in both trading and wellness, I couldn't ignore the striking similarities. It dawned on me that the keys to success in both arenas are remarkably alike. Consider this:

  • Preparation is Paramount: Meticulous chart analysis and calculated trade setups are no different from planning healthy meals and a structured workout routine.
  • Perseverance is Power: Pushing through losing streaks and the inevitable moments of self-doubt in trading mirrors the struggle to resist unhealthy temptations or the urge to skip a workout.
  • Passion is the Fuel: That fire in your belly that drives you to analyze another chart, to take those extra steps, to seek the next opportunity – it's the same fire that propels you towards greater health and trading success.

This realization has changed my entire perspective. It's solidified my belief that  a healthy trader is a better trader. 

Here's why a healthy trader is a better trader:

  • Boosted Brainpower:  Improved cardio fitness, nutrient-rich foods, and proper sleep all contribute to optimal cognitive function. You'll think more clearly, analyze more efficiently, and make more sound trading decisions.
  • Emotional Resilience: Market volatility can be a rollercoaster. When you're physically and mentally strong, you're better equipped to handle the highs and lows, avoiding impulsive, fear-based trades.
  • Laser-Sharp Focus: When your body feels good and your mind isn't clouded by fatigue or unhealthy habits, it's easier to lock in for those intense analysis sessions or react swiftly to market changes.
  • The Confidence Factor: Feeling physically strong and energized builds overall confidence, which translates into a more assertive, decisive trading mindset.


Trading & Wellness: Your Action Plan

I understand that a complete lifestyle overhaul is daunting.  But I want to challenge you to take that first step towards integrating wellness into your trading journey. Here's how to start:

  • Choose Your Battles: Don't try to change everything at once. Pick one health-focused goal – maybe it's increasing your daily steps, swapping sugary snacks for fruits, or committing to a regular sleep schedule.
  • Track Your Progress: Just as you track your trades, track your health metrics. Whether it's step count, weight loss, or simply how you feel each day, seeing the evidence of your progress is incredibly motivating.
  • Community Counts: Find your support system. Share your wellness goals with fellow traders, join an online fitness group, or simply tell a friend. Accountability makes a world of difference.
  • Celebrate the Small Wins:  Every healthy choice, every extra kilometer walked, is a victory. Recognize these moments and use them to build momentum.

My March was a breakthrough, a reminder that we are capable of achieving incredible things on multiple fronts. It's proof that investing in your health is one of the smartest trading moves you can make.

My question to you is: what small step will you take today to become a healthier, and therefore, a better trader?

Let's make this a year where our gains extend far beyond the ticker screen!

Let me know your goals in the comments below!

Healthy Trading

Manoj Kumar

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